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Peter eves

Peter’s Supplement Regime

I am constantly asked in practice what supplements I take, and I do take a few. What I take is specific to me and varies depending on what is happening with my health and what I am trying to achieve. I have suffered from low to moderate chronic fatigue for decades so much of my previous supplementation has revolved around managing that. Currently my regime is more geared to anti-aging and longevity.

So what I take is relevant to me, however there are some general guidelines and supplements I would recommend. I do this not as a remedial massage therapist, as that would be outside of that scope of practice, but with my Nutrition and holistic coaching hat on.

Should we use supplements?

The short answer is a definite yes. In my opinion, and I am not alone, the food we consume today does not contain the nutrient levels it did 50 years ago because of modern agricultural practices. We have effectively strip mined our soils of nutrients and damaged the microbiome of the soil. This means foods grown in these soils and with artificial fertilizers lack nutrients our body’s need. This is particular the case with essential minerals and vitamins.

To have a healthy body that functions well, we need a nutrient dense diet that id free from pesticides and artificial fertilizers. Even organically grown foods, while definitely far superior are often grown on land that was previously used with conventional agricultural practices. This topic is far more involved and complex than this brief introduction. As a bare minimum we shoulder be supplementing a healthy diet with a few minerals, vitamins and ancestral supplements.

Vitamins and Minerals